Saturday, January 30, 2010

February 2010 Newsletter

Dear Friends,

We were all shocked by the devastating earthquake that hit Haiti on January 12th, as well as the aftershocks that followed a week later. Collapsed buildings and debris everywhere has made Port-Au-Prince and surrounding communities look like a war zone. But far more heart-wrenching have been the pictures of the dead lined up in the streets, the many who have been injured, and people in anguish looking for loved ones. Adding to the misery of the many frightened and confused people is the grave concern for food, water, and shelter. We can’t even begin to imagine their agony, their sorrow, and the pain of their broken hearts over all the losses they have experienced. For many, it will take months and years, if not a lifetime, to overcome the earthquake of 2010.

When tragedy strikes it is often hard to find the good in the situation at hand. Indeed, to find good in the tragedy of the earthquake in Haiti may seem to some to be an exercise in futility. However, as people of faith we know differently. We know that God loves the people of Haiti. The gospel of John reminds us “that God so loved the world…” (John 3:16.) This certainly includes the people of Haiti. And God’s love becomes evident as we see how the world has responded to Haiti in their time of need. Nations who rarely see eye-to-eye on anything, have responded with promises of aid and help. Christian organizations have responded by doing their best to get much needed food, water, medical supplies, volunteer help and other essentials to the people of Haiti. Our own denomination, the American Baptist Churches, U.S.A., has sent money that you have donated, to provide for immediate relief materials. And American Baptist missionaries, Steve and Nancy James, (a doctor and a nurse) returned to Haiti from home assignment, to work with their mission partners in Haiti in distributing relief assistance and to help decide ways that American Baptists can help long term for the issues the earthquake has brought. In addition, some funds from American Baptists will pay for medical and relief kits and blankets from Church World Service.

Even in tremendously difficult times, we can still find the good. We see it as people respond in the name of Christ, as they help out with donations, or with a physical presence. God even works through those who may not even know Him, as we have seen by the different businesses that have asked people to text in a donation using their cell phone. Interestingly, these businesses have usually asked for a $10 donation – not much money. But when lots of people give, it all adds up.

This is the message for the church, and for our church – when we all do what we can, however large or small it may be – it makes a world of difference. So be a difference maker! Give of yourself in blessing others.

Pastor Jim

American Baptist Mission News – Haiti Earthquake Crisis Response

International Ministries missionaries Dr. Steve and Nancy James, returned to Haiti on January 14 to work with mission partners, such as the Haitian Baptist Convention, in distributing immediate relief assistance to Haitians, and to decide what the American Baptist long-term response can be. The Haitian Baptist Convention has mobilized pastors to minister to their Haitian brothers and sisters even as they themselves learn how their own families and communities have been affected by the earthquake. Nzunga Mabudiga (a former classmate of Pastor Jim’s), and his wife Kihomi Ngwemi, are also International Ministries missionaries to Haiti.

Kristy Engle, an American Baptist missionary in the Dominican Republic, has worked with Haitian mission partners, putting together a medical team from the Dominican Republic to help in Haiti.

Through One Great Hour of Sharing, American Baptists began responding immediately to the crisis in Haiti. Nearly $65,000 has been sent as of January 21, for relief efforts in Port-au-Prince and the surrounding area. Church World Service is providing desperately needed hygiene kits, tarps and blankets.

International Ministries needs financial gifts to purchase, transport and distribute additional relief supplies including food, tarps, water and medical supplies. The devastation took just moments; the recovery will take years. In the next weeks and months there will be a need for additional funds for the recovery and rebuilding phase. This will include providing long term care for orphans and rebuilding homes, schools, clinics and churches. There will be work teams in the recovery and rebuilding phases. Check for updates at

You can help by praying for the president of the Haitian Baptist Convention, for the members of the 12 churches in the epicenter and their 15,000 members, who are directly in the disaster zone. Pray also that the people of Haiti will find consolation and hope in the Lord. You can also give financially through our church by designating your gift as “Haiti earthquake relief.”

What Is . . . ?

The most destructive habit …………………….Worry
The greatest joy …………………………………Giving
The greatest loss ………………………………..Self-Respect
The most satisfying work ……………………….Helping Others
The ugliest personality trait ……………………..Selfishness
The most endangered species ………………….Dedicated Leaders
The greatest natural resource …………………..Our Youth
The greatest “shot in the arm” …………………...Encouragement
The greatest problems to overcome …………….Fear and Ignorance
The most effective sleeping aid ………………….Peace of Mind
The most crippling failure disease ……………….Excuses
The most powerful force in life ……………………Love
The most dangerous pariah ………………………A Gossiper
The world’s most incredible computer ……………The Brain
The worst thing to be without ………………………Hope
The deadliest weapon ………………………………The Tongue
The two most powerful words ………………………”I Can”
The greatest asset …………………………………..Faith
The most beautiful attire …………………………….A Smile
The most prized possession ………………………..Integrity
The most powerful means of communication …….Prayer
The most contagious spirit ………………………….Enthusiasm
The largest vessel ……………………………………Human Heart

Blanket Sunday

Actually, it’s not just a Sunday, but the whole month of February that we will be receiving donations for blankets. Through Church World Service, blankets, food, water, seeds, tools, and other much needed supplies, help people in disaster situations, such as Haiti. Our church, through your generous donations, has spread the love of Christ through this special offering for many years. Thanks for caring!

Kids in Church

3 year-old Reese: “Our Father, who does art in heaven, Harold is His name. Amen.”

A little boy was overheard praying: “Lord, if you can’t make me a better boy, don’t worry about it. I’m having a real good time like I am.”

After the christening of his baby brother in church, Jason sobbed all the way home in the back seat of the car. His father asked him three times what was wrong. Finally, the boy replied, “That preacher said he wanted us brought up in a Christian home, and I wanted to stay with you guys.”

One 4-year old prayed, “And forgive us our trash baskets as we forgive those who put trash in our baskets.”

A father was at the beach with his children when the 4-year old son ran up to him, grabbed his hand, and led him to the shore where a seagull lay dead in the sand. “Daddy, what happened to him?” the son asked. “He died and went to heaven,” the dad replied. The boy thought a moment and then said, “Did God throw him back down?”

Thank You!

Denise and I are so appreciative of your Christmas gifts to us. We thank you for your kind and generous spirit. You truly bless us! Thanks! -- Pastor Jim

Too Busy Disorder (from The Samaritan Counseling Center of the Fox Valley)

Too Busy Disorder or TBD is a sickness of our times. We are so busy that we don’t have time to do everything that needs to be done. We run from one task to another – always trying to catch up and it seems always falling behind. The stress of managing our time weighs heavy upon us. It contributes to our feeling tired and worn out. We may be experiencing TBD.

There are two Greek words for time: chronos and kairos. When chronos dominates we live by time. Life is experienced as chronology with one thing happening after another. This is a linear concept of time: like a straight line along which we travel. When kairos dominates we live in time. Life is experienced as opportunity. It is full time – real time. It requires dwelling in the moment so completely that the possibility of life opens up to us. Kairos time can be seen as a deep dot in which we dwell.

Spiritual transformation enables us to move from chronos to kairos: to tap the immediacy of life. To move from nowhere to now here: from living by time to living in time. When we are too busy we lose touch with kairos time. We get caught up with where and how we are going to spend the next moments – projecting ourselves into unlived time, “preparing” to live rather than living. We begin to think that life happens on “tomorrow’s stage.” We forget that life happens now. (Excerpt from Sue Monk, “When the Heart Waits”)

“This is the day that the Lord has made; let us rejoice and be glad in it.” Psalm 118:24.

A Lenten Journey

The season of Lent begins on Ash Wednesday (which this year is February 17), and continues right up to Easter (which this year is April 4.) The six Sundays of Lent help us to focus on Christ’s journey to the Cross upon which Christ died for us.

This year, to help us focus on this season of Lent and its implications for us, we are going to on our own journey, “A Lenten Journey”, which is the title of a new sermon series beginning Sunday, February 21st, the first Sunday of Lent. A special feature of this series will be short skits presented on each theme. The series will run through Palm Sunday.

Vacation Bible School

Ahoy there, matey! An ocean of fun awaits the kids, leaders and helpers of our 2010 Vacation Bible School. This year’s theme is “High Seas Expedition – Exploring the Mighty Love of God.” During this adventure-filled voyage, little sailors will chart a course through sea-faring crafts, jaunty songs, Bible memory verses, and so much more as they explore sections from the Book of Acts. Kids will dock for a time and then sail on to the next port as they dive into God’s Word and experience the life-changing truth of scripture.

The first planning meeting for this year’s VBS is Monday, February 15th, at 6:30 pm. We hope you will be able to attend as we begin making plans for a great VBS this coming summer. (For more information, call Denise.)

February Greeters

February 7 Alice Dorton
February 14 Alice Dorton
February 21 Trudi Woods
February 28 Kathy Najdowski

(We are grateful to Kathy Najdowski for scheduling our greeters. If you would like to help in greeting, please give Kathy a call.)

Marriage Encounter

Looking for a weekend away for just the two of you? A Marriage Encounter Weekend offers you this experience. It’s a time to renew your relationship away from the everyday distraction of life. It’s an opportunity to strengthen your communication and promote greater intimacy in your life together. You don’t need a Marriage Encounter Weekend, but you DESERVE one. “Discover Each Other Again” will be offered at the Norbetine Center for Spirituality in DePere the weekends of February 19-21 and March 13-14. For information, call Sue and Dennis Amtmann at (920) 544-5166, or visit the website at


Pastor Jim will be out of the office from noon, Tuesday, February 2nd, through Sunday, February 7th. However, you can reach him on his cell phone at 450-7680. Please leave a message. Thanks