Saturday, January 30, 2010

American Baptist Mission News – Haiti Earthquake Crisis Response

International Ministries missionaries Dr. Steve and Nancy James, returned to Haiti on January 14 to work with mission partners, such as the Haitian Baptist Convention, in distributing immediate relief assistance to Haitians, and to decide what the American Baptist long-term response can be. The Haitian Baptist Convention has mobilized pastors to minister to their Haitian brothers and sisters even as they themselves learn how their own families and communities have been affected by the earthquake. Nzunga Mabudiga (a former classmate of Pastor Jim’s), and his wife Kihomi Ngwemi, are also International Ministries missionaries to Haiti.

Kristy Engle, an American Baptist missionary in the Dominican Republic, has worked with Haitian mission partners, putting together a medical team from the Dominican Republic to help in Haiti.

Through One Great Hour of Sharing, American Baptists began responding immediately to the crisis in Haiti. Nearly $65,000 has been sent as of January 21, for relief efforts in Port-au-Prince and the surrounding area. Church World Service is providing desperately needed hygiene kits, tarps and blankets.

International Ministries needs financial gifts to purchase, transport and distribute additional relief supplies including food, tarps, water and medical supplies. The devastation took just moments; the recovery will take years. In the next weeks and months there will be a need for additional funds for the recovery and rebuilding phase. This will include providing long term care for orphans and rebuilding homes, schools, clinics and churches. There will be work teams in the recovery and rebuilding phases. Check for updates at

You can help by praying for the president of the Haitian Baptist Convention, for the members of the 12 churches in the epicenter and their 15,000 members, who are directly in the disaster zone. Pray also that the people of Haiti will find consolation and hope in the Lord. You can also give financially through our church by designating your gift as “Haiti earthquake relief.”

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