Saturday, January 30, 2010

February 2010 Newsletter

Dear Friends,

We were all shocked by the devastating earthquake that hit Haiti on January 12th, as well as the aftershocks that followed a week later. Collapsed buildings and debris everywhere has made Port-Au-Prince and surrounding communities look like a war zone. But far more heart-wrenching have been the pictures of the dead lined up in the streets, the many who have been injured, and people in anguish looking for loved ones. Adding to the misery of the many frightened and confused people is the grave concern for food, water, and shelter. We can’t even begin to imagine their agony, their sorrow, and the pain of their broken hearts over all the losses they have experienced. For many, it will take months and years, if not a lifetime, to overcome the earthquake of 2010.

When tragedy strikes it is often hard to find the good in the situation at hand. Indeed, to find good in the tragedy of the earthquake in Haiti may seem to some to be an exercise in futility. However, as people of faith we know differently. We know that God loves the people of Haiti. The gospel of John reminds us “that God so loved the world…” (John 3:16.) This certainly includes the people of Haiti. And God’s love becomes evident as we see how the world has responded to Haiti in their time of need. Nations who rarely see eye-to-eye on anything, have responded with promises of aid and help. Christian organizations have responded by doing their best to get much needed food, water, medical supplies, volunteer help and other essentials to the people of Haiti. Our own denomination, the American Baptist Churches, U.S.A., has sent money that you have donated, to provide for immediate relief materials. And American Baptist missionaries, Steve and Nancy James, (a doctor and a nurse) returned to Haiti from home assignment, to work with their mission partners in Haiti in distributing relief assistance and to help decide ways that American Baptists can help long term for the issues the earthquake has brought. In addition, some funds from American Baptists will pay for medical and relief kits and blankets from Church World Service.

Even in tremendously difficult times, we can still find the good. We see it as people respond in the name of Christ, as they help out with donations, or with a physical presence. God even works through those who may not even know Him, as we have seen by the different businesses that have asked people to text in a donation using their cell phone. Interestingly, these businesses have usually asked for a $10 donation – not much money. But when lots of people give, it all adds up.

This is the message for the church, and for our church – when we all do what we can, however large or small it may be – it makes a world of difference. So be a difference maker! Give of yourself in blessing others.

Pastor Jim

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