Sunday, February 28, 2010

Missions - America for Christ Offering

Each March we receive the American for Christ offering. This year’s theme – “With Willing Hands: Connect. Care. Celebrate” – is a powerful reminder that Jesus’ public ministry was all about connecting and caring for people in need. The America for Christ Offering 2010 strengthens our churches by providing support to our region and our American Baptist Home Mission. Here are some of the ways the offering is used:
· American Baptist Homes and Caring Ministries
· Campus Ministries Chaplaincy and Pastoral Counseling Services
· Children in Poverty
· Christian Centers (such as the Milwaukee Christian Center)
· Disciple-making Church Conferences and Seminars
· Intercultural Ministries
· Missional Church Learning Experiences (such as Rev. Sam Brink facilitating our Present Future seminar.)
· New Church Planting Resources
· And much more . . .

Please consider what you can give to help us reach America – for Christ. Thank you.

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