Sunday, February 28, 2010

What do you know about the Deacons/Fellowship Offering?

This special fund has been ongoing for many, many years. It goes back to when there were deacons that watched over the needs of church families. When communion was served, we used to collect a special offering for this purpose.

How is this money collected now? We now contribute to this fund through the regular offering using the brown envelopes in the pew racks. A person needs to check the “Deacon’s Fund” on these envelopes for the money to be applied to the Deacons / Fellowship offering.

How is this money spent? These funds are used when there is a special need from church family members or persons off the street requesting assistance for immediate financial help. This is not reported by name, only by gas, food, prescription, etc.

The pastor can be notified if there is a need to use these funds.

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