Saturday, May 29, 2010

June 2010 Newsletter

Dear Friends,

In his final moments with his disciples, Jesus asks Peter, “Do you love me?” “Yes,” Peter replies. Then, “Feed my lambs,” Jesus tells him. “Tend my sheep.” Three times, Jesus passionately repeats his instruction, pressing his followers: if you love me, take care of the people I love. Live your love for me by actively tending these for whom I have sacrificed everything. (John 21:15-19.)

Throughout June you have the opportunity to offer your gift to One Great Hour of Sharing, empowering our American Baptist ministries of disaster relief and refugee aid, meeting basic needs in Christ’s name throughout the world, and sharing resources that allow people to improve their own lives and communities. This offering helps each of us to decide how to respond to Jesus’ question, “Do you love me?”

The members of the family of God – from those we know to distant sisters, brothers, and cousins in parts of the world we may never visit – are God’s flock, the sheep of God’s pasture (Ezekiel 34:31). Yet, God’s flock is often forcefully scattered, as people are chased from their homes and livelihoods by brutal expressions of war, as communities and futures are shattered by natural disasters, as societies and countries are ground down by unrelenting hunger, disease, and poverty.

Jesus calls us to tend his sheep caught in these situations of evil and nature run amok. And with love and energy, the Church responds! Through One Great Hour of Sharing,
· Disaster victims quickly receive shelter, food, water, and medical supplies
· Local communities develop secure sources of food and clean water
· Minds and bodies grow stronger with new schools and medical clinics
· Refugees receive housing and long-term help to construct new lives.

In these challenging times, we often wonder how much we can afford to sacrifice to help feed Jesus’ beloved sheep, when our needs remain pressing. Perhaps only our prayerful conscience can answer that. But remember the feeding of the 5,000: when Jesus asked the disciples to feed the crowd, the disciples despaired (Mark 6:34-44). The five loaves and two fish seemed insignificant compared to the massive need. Yet when each gave sacrificially from what they had, through God’s blessing, their gifts turned into a miracle of compassion for all.

Heed Jesus’ call to feed his sheep with a generous, even sacrificial, gift to One Great Hour of Sharing. Sharing your resources will change lives – including your own.

Pastor Jim

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