Saturday, May 29, 2010

One Great Hour of Sharing Use in 2009

When you take a global view of our world, natural disasters occur every week. If you include man-made disasters, the opportunity to respond to people in need is even more frequent. The larger disasters are captured by our news media, such as the earthquake in Haiti this past January. But many needs of our world – whether in a neighboring state or half the world away – remain uncovered by our news media. However, with our extensive network of international and domestic partners, American Baptists are able to make a difference wherever and whenever disaster strikes. Here is where your gifts made a difference in emergency situations last year.
· Burundi – Flood Relief
· China – Flooding in Southern China
· El Salvador – Tropical storm relief
· Gaza – response to humanitarian crisis
· Haiti – fire at the seminary library
· India – Andhra Pradesh Fire Damage
· Indonesia – Typhoon Ketsana relief and West Sumatra earthquake relief
· Myanmar – cyclone relief
· Philippines – Typhoon Ketsana relief
· Sudan – assistance for medical relief
· Vietnam – flood relief
· Zambia – fire damage to homes
· California – wildfire relief
· Iowa – flood rebuilding effort in Cedar Rapids
· Kansas – storm damage to Wichita Community Church
· New Jersey – storm Damage to Calvary Baptist Church, Belmar
· Pennsylvania – fire damage to First Baptist Church, Crestmont
· West Virginia – flood relief
· Wisconsin – water damage to Karen Baptist Church, Milwaukee

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