Saturday, May 29, 2010


How many times have you said to yourself, “I’d really like to (fill in) but I just can’t find the motivation”? Motivation is simply a concept, a mental construct that has no real substance, yet it holds the key to success in all our endeavors. Motivation is a mindset – an attitude – that when activated, pushes aside our normal tendencies towards apathy and inertia and gets us moving towards a goal. Motivation is a great mind tool. We all enjoy it when we have it. But because we misunderstand how it works, we too often sit around waiting for it to appear, and when it doesn’t, we wonder why we’ve been unable to find it.

The truth of the matter is, however, that motivation is not like a mosquito. It’s not going to land on you, no matter how long you wait. You must initiate it and create it by an act of will. Then, once the pump has been primed, so to speak, the motivation you seek will begin to flow.

So, just do it! Will trumps emotion. Willpower is powered by intent, the act of deciding in a very determined way. Once you make a definite decision, you are more likely to muster up the will to follow through, then act on your commitment, whether you “feel” like it or not. Once you act, you will likely find the motivation you’ve been looking for. This is because motivation follows action; it does not precede it.

The next step is to set realistic goals and break the goals down into small segments that can be accomplished. Success breeds more success. Focus on what you want vs. what you will have to give up. It is always more motivating to imagine ourselves moving toward a positive experience than moving away from a negative one. (from “Demystifying Motivation” by Rita Milios, prepared by The Samaritan Counseling Center of the Fox Valley – 920-886-9319.)

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