Wednesday, July 28, 2010

American Baptist International Missions

Duane and Marcia Binkley serve ethnic Karen and Chin refugees, originally from Burma, who now live in the United States as legal immigrants. They also keep connected with those still remaining in refugee camps along the Thai-Burma (Myanmar) border.
Duane and Marcia have been busy this summer helping the Karen find jobs at farms and poultry plants, visiting churches across the U.S. that are working with the refugees from Burma, and attending various conferences and meetings. One conference was the annual General Assembly of the Cooperative Baptist Fellowship (CBF). This year it was held in Charlotte, NC, and after the conference they visited with a new Chin congregation. This July, the Binkleys attended the Karen Youth Conference in St. Paul, MN, which drew hundreds of Karen youth and young adults from all across the country. This is the first event of this kind in the U.S.
Another exciting project for the Karen people is the production and printing of the first parallel Karen/English New Testament. This project is being sponsored by the Scottsdale Bible Church in AZ.
Continue to pray for the Karen and Chin people as they adjust to the day to day challenges of a new culture and language.

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