Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Vacation Bible School

Vacation Bible School is here! It is an exciting time for not only the kids who come, but also for our helpers as well as for our whole church! Below are some things that will be of interest to you concerning our VBS:
· Our theme is High Seas Expedition, and the Bible stories are based on stories from the Book of Acts.
· It begins on Sunday, August 1, and concludes on Thursday, August 5
· Each day VBS begins at 6:00 pm and concludes at 8:15 pm
· You are invited to a kickoff dinner on Sunday, August 1, at 5:00 pm. (This means everyone!)
· Our mission emphasis is a water theme, so we’re collecting cans of tuna, boxes of tuna helper, Hi-C drinks, and other such items, for the Neenah-Menasha Red Cross Food Pantry.
· We are also collecting financial donations for the ministry of Mercy Ships, which is a hospital ship that goes to ports around the world, providing medical help to those in need.
· You are invited to our closing program for VBS, which will begin at 7:45 pm, on Thursday, August 5th. This is a great way to hear and see what our VBS was all about and how kids were blessed with the Good News of Jesus.
· Please pray for us. Thanks!

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