Wednesday, July 28, 2010

August Newsletter

Dear Friends,

I have always appreciated the way you, our church family, has stepped up to the plate and helped others in our community. You have helped others with a delicious meal through the Community Table, and blessed children in our community through Vacation Bible School. You have given regularly and generously to our Deacons Fund and to the Red Cross Food Pantry in order to help others in need. You even helped to build a house working in partnership with other churches and Habitat for Humanity.

This month, in addition to VBS, you (we) have another opportunity to help people in our community. There are many in the Fox Cities who are struggling to get by day-by-day. They may have lost their jobs, or be under-employed. They may find life’s challenges overwhelming at times and are unsure which way to turn. Whatever their story may be, they are people in need that the Convoy of Hope wants to respond to.

What is the Convoy of Hope? It is a community ministry. shared by many churches and businesses, reaching out to people in need with the Good News of Jesus Christ in Word and in deed. What is the Convoy of Hope offering? It’s offering free services such as haircuts, 35,000 pounds of groceries, health screenings, job support, resume assistance, family portraits, shoes and school supplies, a kids carnival, lunch, live entertainment, community services, and much more. There will also be an opportunity for “guests” to have someone pray for them.

As you can see, this is quite a community event. My prayer and hope is that just as you have responded to other ministry opportunities in our community, you will respond to this one as well. How can you help? There is a need for about 1,000 volunteers to help with services such as bagging and handing out groceries, serving lunch, etc. You can be one of those volunteers! How? Well, on Friday evening, August 13th, a rally will be held at Appleton East High School at 7:00 pm. At the rally you will learn of the ministry opportunities for the following day, August 14, which is the day of the event. You will be asked to pray about where you would like to serve. And then on Saturday, come to Maplewood Middle School in Menasha at 7:30 am, where you will choose your ministry and receive training in what you will be doing.

Our church is a “Connections Church.” This means we will be one of about 20 churches welcoming people and asking them if we can pray for them. We will also be presenting the Good News of Jesus if they are interested in hearing more about him. I will be involved in this and I am looking for others to join me from our church. Training for this ministry will take place on Thursday, August 12, 7:00 pm, at Pathways Church. If you are interested, please see me.

Our church’s vision is “to impact the lives of people in our church and community, discovering needs in all areas of life, and striving to meet those needs with the love and power of the Good News of Jesus Christ.” The Convoy of Hope will provide us a great opportunity to do this. I hope you will join us in this great outreach to our community.

Pastor Jim.

P.S. If you would like to make a financial contribution to the Convoy of Hope, make a check out to our church and earmark it for the Convoy of Hope. Thanks!

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