Monday, August 30, 2010

Annual Meeting of the American Baptist Churches of Wisconsin

“New Life 2010” is the theme of this year’s Annual Meeting of the ABCW, also known as the “166th Annual Gathering Mission Mobilization Mission Marketplace.” That’s a long name, but it incorporates all that the annual meeting will be about. This year it begins on Friday, October 9, at the First Baptist Church of Janesville, and concludes on Saturday, October 10 at the First Baptist Church of Beloit. It includes:
· “Beyond Survival: What is God’s future for the Small Church”, a workshop to be held on Friday afternoon
· A concert by the Judson University Choir
· Mission Marketplace
· Workshops on Emotionally Healthy Marriages; Emerging Church 101; The Ministry of Music
· And much, much more.
Registration forms as well as hotel information is available on the hallway bulletin board.

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