Monday, August 30, 2010

September 2010 Newsletter

Dear Friends,

According to Christian History magazine, in 1712 the colony of South Carolina required “all persons whatsoever” to attend church each Sunday and refrain from skilled labor and travel. Violators of the “Sunday Law” could be fined 10 shillings or locked in the stocks for two hours!

There was a time when church attendance was mandatory. I doubt it made much difference in the lives of those forced to attend (though you never know.) It probably didn’t make them any holier nor did it better their relationship with God. Like the little boy who was forced to sit down in his chair at the dinner table once said, “I may be sitting down on the outside, but I’m standing up on the inside.” Those South Carolina folks may have been “inside” the church, but I’m sure their spirit was someplace else. Requiring by law that people go to church just doesn’t work.

Rather than have people in church because they have to be there, it is better to have people in church because they want to be there. Why would people want to be in church? There are many reasons; here are a few:

First, the church is where we are most likely to worship God. There are those who say we can worship God while taking a walk in the woods, or even when golfing! (For me, those are one in the same.) Truth be told, we can worship God anywhere. But usually we don’t. So coming to church gives us a place, provides us the space and time, and creates for us an atmosphere where we can worship God. Please be aware: there is nothing more important in our lives than worshiping God, and your church provides you that opportunity.

Second, the church is where God’s family gathers. Now this family has its flaws. It needs lots of work. It has lots of characters. But it is God’s family, and that makes it special. Even if we have nothing else in common, we have God as father, Jesus as brother, and the Holy Spirit as comforter. We are brothers and sisters in Christ, sharing our lives as God’s holy children.

Third, the church is where we learn how to live. We live in a culture where godly values are often absent. We can easily get confused about what is right and wrong, what is helpful for us and what is detrimental. At church we open God’s Word and look for answers to the most profound of our questions: What is the meaning of life? Who am I in relationship to God? Does God love me? The answers to these and all our other questions in God’s Word are life-giving, filled with hope, and are an encouragement to us.

There are many other reasons to be at church – delicious pot-lucks, great fellowship, wonderful music, opportunities to serve others, assurance of God’s love and forgiveness – and the list goes on and on.

The church needs you. And you need the church. See you Sunday!

Pastor Jim

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