Sunday, March 27, 2011

Camp Tamarack 2011

Soon the camping season at Camp Tamarack will be here! CampTamarack is a great place to renew your faith, have fun, meet people, and enjoy the great outdoors. Best of all, Camp Tamarack is for people of all ages. Below is this year’s Camp Tamarack schedule: June 6-9 Young at Heart for ages 50+ June 12-18 Senior High Grades 9-12 June 19-22 Primary Grades 1-2 June 19-25 Middler Grades 3-4 June 26 – July 2 Junior Grades 5-6 July 3-9 Junior High Grades 7-8 July 24-27 Family Camp July 24-30 All Inclusive Camp (All camps listing grades are for students completing those grades.) See Pastor Jim to register for possible camp scholarships.

April Wedding Anniversaries

22 Jeff & Jenne Steffen

April Birthdays

1 Tina Voigt 2 Brittany Lieske 3 Alex Demarais 6 Veronica Smith 10 Amy Searles 12 Debbie Burrows 12 Scott Harrington 13 Bruce LaMarche 15 William Hoehne 15 Debbie Hudson 15 Alyce Leifermann 16 Alicia Romnek 16 Jeff Steffen 21 Kathy Najdowski 22 Amanda Isom 23 Jon Moravec 26 Tom Schroder 28 Jane Tennant

April 2011 Baptist Light Newsletter

Dear Friends, Life-changing. There are many, many words that can be used to describe what Easter means for us, words such as transformative, redemptive,and so forth. But the word that comes to mind for me today is “Life-changing.” We as Christians believe that Jesus rose from the dead. On Good Friday he died on the cross for the forgiveness of our sins. On the evening of Good Friday, on Saturday, and on early Sunday morning, He lay in the tomb. He was dead. No one believed that would change. Yet early in the morning on the day we call Easter Sunday, Jesus rose from the dead. The apostle Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 15:3-4 these words: I passed on to you what was most important and what had also been passed on to me. Christ died for our sins, just as the Scriptures said. He was buried, and he was raised from the dead on the third day, just as the Scriptures said. Unbelievable! Can we even begin to grasp that fact? Jesus who died, rose again from the dead! Now it could very well be that the resurrection no longer impresses us, for we know all about it. But think of it this way – who do you know that has risen from the dead? After Jesus rose from the dead, he went to visit his disciples. It took awhile for some of them to believe, like Thomas, who wanted to place his fingers and hands in Jesus’ wounds first. But once they believed that Jesus had risen from the dead, they were changed. Jesus’ resurrection was Life-changing for them! The scriptures tell a few of the stories of what happened with the disciples. For example, Peter preached a tremendous sermon at Pentecost some fifty days later, that lead to the conversion of over 3000 people. He also became a leader in the early church, and was imprisoned for his faith in Christ. This doesn’t sound at all like the Peter we read about in the gospels. Philip went about sharing the Good News of Jesus, despite the threat of persecution that many were facing. James, we’re told, was killed with a sword by King Herod, because he was a follower of Jesus. Other stories of the disciples, not in the Bible, inform us that all but John were murdered for their faith in Jesus. Life-changing? You bet! Why else would anyone go to foreign lands (as many of them did), put up with being persecuted for their faith, and even be willing to die for their faith in Jesus? Life-changing. That’s what faith in Jesus is all about. It’s not just about the resurrection, as important as that is. It’s about what the truth of the resurrection does in us. It has the power to be Life-changing for us – to be something that affects the ways we live, the values we choose. Let us allow the fact of the resurrection, and the hope of our own future resurrection, be Life-changing. Happy Easter, Pastor Jim

Good Friday Worship Service

We have been invited by Faith United Methodist Church, right across the street from our church, to join them in their Noon Good Friday Service, on Friday, April 22nd. Pastor Jim will be sharing leadership in this brief, holy service. (If you are unable to make the Noon service, consider attending Faith’s 7:00 pm service, or attend some other church in your area.)

Easter Breakfast

We have a wonderful tradition of enjoying Easter Breakfast together as a church family. This year is no different! Our Easter Breakfast will be on Easter Sunday, April 24th, beginning at 9:00 am. The suggested donation is $5 for adults, $2.50 for children under 12, with a maximum of $15 for the immediate family. Our menu includes: pancakes, sausage, omelets, muffins, fruit, milk and coffee. Please sign up on the back table, or call the church office with your reservation at 722-4312. (There will be no Sunday School on Easter.)

An Ancient Easter Hymn

Join, then, all of you, Join in our Master’s rejoicing. Rich men and poor men, Sing and dance together. You that have fasted And you that have not, Make merry today. Christ is risen: The world below is in ruins. Christ is risen: The spirits of evil are fallen. Christ is risen: The angels of God are rejoicing. Hipploytus, martyred theologian (235 A.D.)

Rebuilding Together

Rebuilding Together Fox Valley is a nonprofit organization that helps low income seniors and disabled homeowners stay safe, warm and independent. Qualified applicants can receive assistance with home repairs or modifications to keep them safe or warm in their home. To qualify, applicants must live between Neenah and Kaukauna in the following zip codes: 54919, 54915, 54914, 54913, 54912, 54911, 54113, 53140, 54952, 54130, 54957, 54956. Income restrictions are: 1 – person household = $14,400 - $38,450 2 – person households = $16,500 - $43,900 3 – person households = $18,550 - $49,400 If you can benefit from this service, call 730-2156, or stop in at the office located at 605 Hancock St., Appleton, WI 54911 or visit the website at for an application.

Free Yard Help for Neenah-Menasha Residents

April 16th is Global Youth Service day and the Neenah/Menasha Noon Optimists would like to give back to their community. Local youth that are served through Noon Optimists (The ARC, Boys and Girls Brigade, Neenah/Menasha Best Friends, Junior Optimists and Youth Go) will provide minor service for community members in need, such as lawn care and so forth. If you would benefit from this service, please contact Dale Devries at, or by calling 722-1435.

American Baptist International Ministries

Water, a source of sustenance, has been flowing through the life journeys of Duane and Marcia Blinkley from the time they were children growing up in the Cleveland, OH area. They met at Camp Koinonia, an American Baptist camp in Ohio, and after graduation from college, Duane and Marcia were married. (Duane earned a degree in soil and water conservation, and Marcia majored in psychology and sociology.) The Blinkleys applied to become ABC missionaries, and in God’s timing, a new irrigation and water project began among the Karen people in Thailand, which they were assigned to. The result of their labors on the project brought running water to the Karen. In the meantime, the Blinkleys began assisting the Thailand Karen Baptist Convention’s evangelism program. Later, they also worked in the fields of education and administration. As part of his responsibilities, Duane also served on the board of Thailand Burma Border Consortium, an international organization that ministered to Karen refugees who were fleeing from war-torn Burma across the border into Thailand. The Blinkleys made it back to the states where they began meeting Karen refugees who were being resettled in the U.S. Thus began their ministry to the thousands of Karen being resettled in America. Duane says, “Now we minister to refuges in America. And we marvel at how those we minister to also minister to us. Each of us is being refreshed with Living Water as God uses all of us in building His kingdom!” (excerpted from On Location, Autumn 2010)

American Baptist Churches, U.S.A. Biennial

Every two years American Baptists gather together to celebrate their common American Baptist mission and ministry, and to worship and fellowship as the American Baptist family. The Biennial will be held this summer in Puerto Rico, June 24-26. There will be hands-on volunteer opportunities, presentations by American Baptist guest speakers devoted to discipleship as well as to community and justice across the U.S. and Puerto Rico, and many other activities. Additional information is on the hallway bulletin board, and is available on the American Baptist Churches website at:

Winnebago County Foster Care Programs

Wanted: Safe Homes for foster children of Winnebago County. Foster parents are needed for all ages and levels of care for children. This includes homes to assist in taking emergency placements; homes to provide on-going foster care placements; homes for teens that have special treatment needs; and homes to provide respite to foster parents. If you are able to help with foster children, please contact Renee Soroko, Winnebago County Department of Human Services at 236-4658 for further information.

The Wisconsin Baptist

Make sure to check out the news of the American Baptist Churches of Wisconsin, which is posted monthly on our hallway bulletin board.

Great Quote

“The empty tomb proves the value of Christianity; the empty church denies it.” Rev. Denny Brake

Congregational Meeting

On Sunday, April 3rd, a Congregational Meeting will be held following worship, at 11:30 am. Among the agenda items will be business concerning repairs done on our furnace, and the election of people to serve on the Pastoral Search Committee. The Pastoral Search Committee is made up of 4 people at large from the congregation. The list of those being nominated include: Henry Rose, Tom Schroeder, Fritz Bowers, Christi Lewis, Donna Mentink, Dave Isom, Jodi Isom, and Scott Lewis (there may be additional nominees as of the writing of this newsletter.) The Ministry Council has two representatives besides the church moderator. Ministry Council Nominees include: Mike Kesselhon, Cathy Strohmeyer, Mike Woods, Pat Lewis, Julie Delikowski.

Prayer For Our Pastoral Search Committee/Church

Please join us on Wednesday, April 13th, from 6:30-7:00 pm, here at Whiting, for a time of Prayer for our Pastoral Search Committee, our Church Leaders and our Church. We will pray just prior to the Ministry Council meeting.

New Vacaton Bible School Director

We are pleased to announce that Trudi Woods is our Vacatin Bible School director this year.

Phone Number Change

Alice Dorton has a new phone number: 850-4190.

Our Sympathy

We express our sympathy and lift up our prayers for Duane Langdon and RoseMary Buelow and their families at the death of Matt Langdon (grandson and nephew.)


We congratulate Krystal Rose on her engagement to Kevin Pracki. Krystal and Kevin will be married this coming October.

Church Finances

Through February, we were $56 over our General Fund budget needs, but $427 short for the year after paying our bills. In our United Mission Fund giving, we were $302 short of our Mission Fund Goals, but we had received $675 year-to-date in special mission funds (such as Blanket Sunday funds, etc.) As always, thank you for your faithful giving.

Why Men Are Never Depressed

Your last name stays put The garage is all yours Wedding plans take care of themselves Chocolate is just another snack Car mechanics tell you the truth Wrinkles add character New shoes don’t cut, blister or mangle your feet Phone conversations are over in 30 seconds flat. A five-day vacation requires only one suitcase You get extra credit for the slightest act of thoughtfulness Your underwear is $8.95 for a three-pack Three pairs of shoes are more than enough You are unable to see wrinkles in your clothes You can play with toys all your life You can do your nails with a pocket knife You can do Christmas shopping for 25 relatives on Dec. 24 in 25 minutes or less.