Sunday, March 27, 2011

Congregational Meeting

On Sunday, April 3rd, a Congregational Meeting will be held following worship, at 11:30 am. Among the agenda items will be business concerning repairs done on our furnace, and the election of people to serve on the Pastoral Search Committee. The Pastoral Search Committee is made up of 4 people at large from the congregation. The list of those being nominated include: Henry Rose, Tom Schroeder, Fritz Bowers, Christi Lewis, Donna Mentink, Dave Isom, Jodi Isom, and Scott Lewis (there may be additional nominees as of the writing of this newsletter.) The Ministry Council has two representatives besides the church moderator. Ministry Council Nominees include: Mike Kesselhon, Cathy Strohmeyer, Mike Woods, Pat Lewis, Julie Delikowski.

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