Sunday, March 27, 2011

Camp Tamarack 2011

Soon the camping season at Camp Tamarack will be here! CampTamarack is a great place to renew your faith, have fun, meet people, and enjoy the great outdoors. Best of all, Camp Tamarack is for people of all ages. Below is this year’s Camp Tamarack schedule: June 6-9 Young at Heart for ages 50+ June 12-18 Senior High Grades 9-12 June 19-22 Primary Grades 1-2 June 19-25 Middler Grades 3-4 June 26 – July 2 Junior Grades 5-6 July 3-9 Junior High Grades 7-8 July 24-27 Family Camp July 24-30 All Inclusive Camp (All camps listing grades are for students completing those grades.) See Pastor Jim to register for possible camp scholarships.

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