Monday, November 1, 2010

American Baptist Churches, U.S.A. International Missions

Kyu Kyu Khin, came to the U.S. in 2002 from Myanmar (Burma) to pursue a masters degree in theology at Northern Baptist Theological Seminary. A scholarship from American Baptist International Ministries (IM) enabled her to do so. She remained in the U.S. to earn a Doctor of Ministry degree in marriage and family at Eastern Baptist (now Palmer) Seminary. Many among the IM staff at the Mission Center in Valley Forge joined with both seminaries and the Friends of Burma to walk with Kyu Kyu since, except for one return visit to Myanmar, she was without her husband and two sons. She needed even more support when she fell ill to a debilitating cancer and required much medical attention and help with insurance and costs.
By God’s immeasurable grace and mercy, Kyu Kyu triumphed and today she is on the faculty of Myanmar Institute of Theology (MIT), the oldest and largest seminary in Southeast Asia. According to its principal, “95% of the church leaders, theological educators, theologians and organizational leaders in Myanmar come from MIT.”
Kyu Kyu serves as MIT’s chaplain, provides counseling services on campus and teaches courses like Marriage and Family Counseling and Crisis Counseling. She writes from Myanmar: “I would like to express my heartfelt thanks again to International Ministries.”
When you think of IM’s important work in theological education, you can give thanks to God that it includes a scholarship program that produces abundant harvests in partner countries year after year.

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