Monday, November 29, 2010

Holiday Stress

Christmas is just around the corner! Does that thought delight you? Or terrify you? Even with the birth of our Savior as our focus, the next few weeks will be a time filled with anxiety and unmet expectations for many of us. Advent is a time to prepare ourselves not only spiritually but emotionally as well. Consider these things in your preparation.

· Know yourself and what you want from the holidays. Set goals, establish priorities, and make choices that give meaning to your life. Learn to say “yes” and “no” with this in mind. Knowing your own needs will help you understand the needs of others as you resolve dilemmas and conflicts around traveling, entertaining, and gift giving during the holidays.

· Use stress reducing strategies: a few minutes of quiet time to get yourself organized, renew your energy, and celebrate what you have accomplished (before fretting about what you have yet to accomplish). Even if you have a regular time for prayer or meditation each day, you might need some extra time to yourself to manage the stress of the holidays.

· Be a gift receiver as well as a gift giver. Share your joys and your burdens. Do for others, but let them do for you, too. Remember, the greatest gift of the holidays is a gift received . . . the gift of a Savior who knows our every cares.

In most cases, the added stress of the holidays can be managed with these preparations. But, if you or someone you know feels overwhelmed by the holidays, you should talk with someone about the way you are feeling. If you are losing sleep, finding it hard to concentrate, or are having thoughts of despair about your life, you might be experiencing a more serious anxiety or depression and should seek the care of a mental health professional.

(The Samaritan Counseling Center of the Fox Valley – 886-9319)

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