Monday, November 29, 2010


Each December, American Baptist Churches throughout the United States and Puerto Rico, receive the Retired Ministers and Missionaries Offering (RMMO). Since 1935, American Baptists have contributed to special offerings received in their churches for retired ABC ministers and missionaries or their widowed spouses. The RMMO was established in 1977 This offering is used in two ways:
· As Emergency and other financial assistance, based on financial need; and as
· Thank You” checks, based on 15 or more years of ABC service.
This year’s theme is “Remember with LOVE; give with GRATITUDE.” The RMMO is a blessing to the faithful pastors, missionaries, and other professional church leaders, who have served the American Baptist Churches, including our own. Rev. Robert and Ruby Taylor of Indianapolis write, “You will never know how much this ‘Thank you’ was appreciated at this lean time in our finances. (we) thank God for His gift of life – and friends like you.” Rev. James Pike of Chapel Hill, NC writes, “When my ‘Thank You’ check arrived, I was deeply touched. The thought gave me a surprising lift – that in retirement, my 43 years in pastoral ministry are remembered with gratitude.” Envelopes for this offering will be distributed December 5th, and can be found on the back table. On behalf of retired American Baptist Clergy and their widowed spouses, thank you!

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