Monday, November 1, 2010

Christmas Giving Opportunities

  • Each year we have the opportunity to bless others through our Christmas gift giving. In the past we have given to local, national and international non-profit agencies, to bless children and families who have little. This year we will continue that tradition by giving gifts to Samaritan’s Purse Operation Christmas Child (Shoe boxes), and to the Salvation Army Fox Cities, where we are adopting a family. Here is some of the information to guide you in your gift-giving:
    The Shoe Box ministry of Samaritan’s Purse requires we turn in shoe boxes by November 14st, as many of these shoe boxes go overseas. You can pack your shoe box using shoe boxes you may have at home, or pick one up at church (and maybe Family bookstore.) Take one of the envelopes that have the ages of children and gifts appropriate to that age group. Then fill you shoe box, along with a check or cash for shipping, and bring to the church by November 14th.
    We are in the process of gathering information on the family we are adopting from the Salvation Army and the gift ideas for them. Watch your Sunday bulletin and weekly updates for more information.
    Thank you so much for your generosity in helping children and families through your gifts! The light of Jesus shines brightly through you.

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