Saturday, May 28, 2011

June 2011 Baptist Light Newsletter

Dear Friends,

To say “good-bye” to you after nearly two decades of ministry at Whiting Community Baptist Church is very difficult for me to do. Yet it is time to do so. There are two aspects of saying good-bye that are important. One aspect is the “practical” aspect of the change that will take place in the nature of our relationship. This newsletter article will cover that aspect. The second aspect is the “personal” – these are the heartfelt thoughts I have as I leave WCBC. The July newsletter will cover those thoughts…

The American Baptist Churches Ministers Council Code of Ethics, affirmation 9 reads:
“I will, upon my resignation or retirement, sever my ministerial leadership relations with my former constituents, and will not make professional contacts in the field of another ministerial leader without his/her request and/or consent.”

This affirmation almost sounds like legal language, but its’ purpose is to underscore the importance of the retiring pastor to leave behind all his responsibilities and privileges. When a pastor resigns or retires from a church, that person is no longer the pastor. The normal ministry responsibilities and privileges such as hospital visitation, counseling, preaching, officiating at weddings and funerals are to cease. This is very difficult for both the pastor and the congregation. We have shared each other’s lives for a long time. Yet it is important for both you and me to do so. A pastor that hangs on more often than not hurts the church. A congregation can get confused as to whom to look towards for pastoral care and leadership – the retired pastor they have known for many years, or the new pastor who they have called to their church. It is tempting to go to those we know best, but in doing so a new pastor’s ministry can be jeopardized. To prevent this from happening it is best for the retired pastor to leave completely so that the church can move ahead into the new ministry the church will have with the new pastor.

When I first came to WCBC over 19 years ago, I was called to the hospital to meet with the family of a church member who was undergoing surgery. The chaplain at the time was a former pastor of Whiting, having served WCBC for over 13 years. The family respected and knew the former pastor, whereas I was new and unknown. The former pastor, who was now the hospital chaplain, could have stepped into my role, but he did not. He gently informed the family that I was now the pastor and they could receive pastoral support from me. I greatly appreciated him stepping aside so that I could fulfill the ministry for which the church had called me. I will step aside as well so that the pastor you call can fulfill the ministry for which he/she has been called.

One of the factors that make this transition a bit more difficult is that Denise and I will not be moving. However, we will be worshiping with a new congregation. Because we are still in the area, there may be the temptation of some to call us. Please know that I will not be able to respond to that call. My sense of what is appropriate behavior as a former pastor will prohibit me from any request for pastoral ministry, as is my adherence to the American Baptist Clergy Code of Ethics.

May God guide you and bless you with a loving and caring pastor. Pray for your new pastor. Encourage your new pastor. Welcome your new pastor. Bless your new pastor. And you will be blessed.

Pastor Jim

Summer Worship Schedule

Our Summer Worship schedule goes into effect on Sunday, June 5th. Worship throughout June, July and August will be at 9:00 am.

When You Least Expect It

My plan was to finish my ministry here at WCBC at the end of June, having shared messages from Paul’s letter to the Philippians, which is a letter of Joy. However, I discovered I needed surgery on my neck and the sooner the better. So instead of preaching on Philippians I will be at home for several weeks, recuperating from my surgery. In my absence, please feel free to call Pastors Jon (570-0507) and Tabatha (570-0518) Gatlin of Gloria Dei Lutheran Church (725-6822) for ministry assistance, as well as our church Moderator, Tom Romnek.

Congregational Meeting

A Congregational Meeting will be held on Sunday, June 5th, following our Sunday morning worship. The purpose of this meeting is to vote on new members.

Habitat for Humanity House Dedication

On Sunday, June 12th, Moo Khu Htoo, Hsar Say Paw, Hsar Blut Moo, and Mu Nay Blu Paw will have their Habitat for Humanity house dedicated, and you are all invited! The ceremony begins at 1:00 pm. The house is located on the corner of Harrison and Cleveland Streets in Neenah (610 Cleveland St.).

Vacation Bible School

What would it have been like to live at the same time as Jesus?
Vacation Bible School 2011
Marketplace 29 A.D.
Sunday, July 31st-Thursday, August 4th
6:00-8:15 P.M.

The Faith Church gymnasium will be transformed into a marketplace from 29 A.D. Witness Jesus and hear his stories “first hand”. Experience the crafts and work with the artisans. Learn the games and family customs. Taste the food. Sing and dance to traditional Jewish songs. Mark your calendars and plan to join in the fun. There are many ways adults and youth can help-before, during and after; for one day or many. Please talk to Holly Robinson or Trudi Woods.

In preparation for some of the projects, we are in need of the following items. We would appreciate your willingness to donate or save them for us. They may be dropped off at either the Faith or Whiting church office, or given to Holly or Trudi.
Fabric scraps of all sizes and colors
Buttons of all sizes and colors
Empty Kleenex boxes-the long, flat boxes, not the cubes
Wire hangers
Brown Paper Bags-if you have packing paper similar in color that would
work also
A larger list of other food and supplies that may be donated will be coming later.

Church Finances

First of all, thanks for your faithful and generous giving. You and your support are greatly appreciated!

Through the month of April we are $1582 in the red for our General Fund. That is, we have spent $1582 more than we have received. In our Mission Fund we are short $727 compared to our budget goals for regular mission giving. However, we have received $1620 for special missions. Please keep in prayer our financial needs.

Happy Fathers Day!

Because I’m a Dad …
· I must hold the TV remote control in my hand while I watch TV. If the remote has been misplaced, I’ll miss a whole show looking for it. (In an emergency, I can survive by holding a calculator.)
· When I catch a cold I need someone to bring me soup and take care of me while I lie in bed and moan. You never get as sick as I do, so for you this isn’t an issue.
· I can be relied upon to purchase basic groceries at the store like milk, or bread. I cannot be expected to find exotic items like “Cumin” or “Tofu.” For all I know these are the same thing. And never, under any circumstances, expect me to pick up a copy of “Cosmo” or “Better Homes and Gardens.”
· When one of our appliances stops working, I will insist on taking it apart, despite evidence that this will just cost me twice as much once the repair person gets here and has to put it back together.
· I don’t think we’re all that lost, and no, I don’t think we should stop and ask someone.
· You don’t have to ask me if I liked the movie. Chances are, if you’re crying at the end of it, I didn’t.
· I think what you’re wearing is fine. I thought what you were wearing five minutes ago was fine, too. Either pair of shoes is fine. With the belt or without it looks fine. You hair is fine. You look fine. Can we just go now? (from Mikey’s Funnies)

International Missions

During June we receive the One Great Hour of Sharing Offering. By sharing our resources, combined with offerings from thousands of congregations across the United States, we
· Build homes, schools, medical clinics, and clean water and sewage facilities in villages devastated by earthquakes, floods and poverty
· Bring safety, shelter, and food to refugees after often violent circumstances have made their hometowns uninhabitable
· Nurture stronger futures and self sufficiency through health care, education, job training, and tools for livelihoods.

In 2010 your gifts made a difference in these and other places: in Bosnia, providing winter storm relief; in Chile, providing earthquake and tsunami relief; in Haiti, providing earthquake relief; in Uganda, providing mudslide relief; in Iowa, helping to rebuild flood damaged homes; in Nebraska, providing flood relief; and in New Jersey, providing Nor’easter storm relief. From Burma, Khin, a farmer, said “Had it not been for you, I would not have been able to grow the rainy season rice because all of my rice seeds were washed away.” With millions of people in need after Cyclone Nargis, One Great Hour of Sharing worked with Church World Service and local partners to provide vital emergency and recovery assistance – when it was needed most.

Sharing because we have felt God’s love aligns our lives with God’s own life and work in our world. By sharing we are renewed and transformed. “Those who abide in love abide in God, and God abides in them.” (1 John 4:16.) Sharing our love for God through One Great Hour of Sharing, we offer ourselves to others as they need us, imitating Christ’s offering of his life for us. In turn, we receive him more deeply into our own hearts, bringing indescribable joy. (Envelopes are available at our church, or send in our donation, marking it OGHS. Thanks!)

Ministry Opportunity

Patti Houlihan, staff person with Best Friends writes: “Best Friends of Neenah-Menasha is a local non-profit mentoring program, and we are looking for adult mentors that we could match with the children on our waiting list. We have so many children that are in need of a mentor and we are hoping you will help us. . . We have 4 mentoring programs – Community-Based where you spend 2-3 hours a week with your mentee; Guy-Stuff Mentoring where you spend 2-3 hours a month with your mentee; Lunch-Mentoring, where you spend one lunch hour a week with a student in a school close to your work place during the school year; After-School Mentoring, where you spend one hour a week after school with a student, during the school year.”

For more information, and to learn about some of the kids that are on the waiting list, contact Best Friends at 729-5600

What Really Matters: Family

What makes a healthy family:
· People feel free to talk about inside feelings
· All feelings are okay
· Persons are more important than performance
· All subjects are open for discussion
· Individual differences are accepted
· Each person is responsible for their own actions
· There are few shoulds
· Rules are clear and flexible
· The atmosphere is relaxed
· Persons face and work through stress
· People have energy
· Growth is celebrated
· People have high self-worth
· There is a strong parental coalition
The Samaritan Counseling Center helps individuals become healthy family members. (The Samaritan Counseling Center of the Fox Valley. 886-9319.)

Letter of Thanks

“I’d like to personally thank you and your congregation for your generous gifts to the World Mission Offering and International Ministries in 2010. You have been part of the effort to help people come to Christ, grow in Christ, and change their world through Christ in over 70 countries around the world. Your church’s contribution went to support the efforts of over 1700 short and long term missionaries and partners as they bring the Good News of Jesus Christ while meeting human need through cutting edge ministries in over 70 countries. I am so please that because of your continued contributions through the World Mission Offering and targeted gifts for missionary support we have been able to maintain our missionary team on the field so far. We are also blessed that your support is allowing us to endorse three new missionary families. We are very thankful for the support of Whiting Community Baptist Church. Yours in Christian Mission – Rev. Dr. Reid Trulson, Executive Director, and Rev. Dr. Ray Schooler, Director of Development – Church Relations”. (American Baptist Churches, U.S.A., International Ministries.)

Thanks for FW Friends

“Myles and Logan love coming to FW Friends every week. I want you to know that you and everyone at FW Friends make a huge difference in so many children’s lives. Thank you for all you do! -- Ty and Carla Steward.

June Birthdays

4 Mike Kesselhon
6 Ken Biettler
6 Michelle Grade
8 Ryan Bachorz
8 Tyler Fisher
9 Heather Stilp
15 Scott Weyers
16 William Bell
18 Earl Klug
20 Roxane Kesselhon
22 August Bratz
27 Pat Lewis
27 Ethan Zoglman
28 Jim Romnek
29 Kristine Fisher

June Anniversaries

6 Bruce & Cathy Brazee
12 James & Marion Burrows
15 Pat & Christi Lewis
17 Dave & Jodi Isom
25 Earl & Shirley Klug
30 Ken & Debbie Burrows
30 Jack & Becky Zoglman