Saturday, May 28, 2011

International Missions

During June we receive the One Great Hour of Sharing Offering. By sharing our resources, combined with offerings from thousands of congregations across the United States, we
· Build homes, schools, medical clinics, and clean water and sewage facilities in villages devastated by earthquakes, floods and poverty
· Bring safety, shelter, and food to refugees after often violent circumstances have made their hometowns uninhabitable
· Nurture stronger futures and self sufficiency through health care, education, job training, and tools for livelihoods.

In 2010 your gifts made a difference in these and other places: in Bosnia, providing winter storm relief; in Chile, providing earthquake and tsunami relief; in Haiti, providing earthquake relief; in Uganda, providing mudslide relief; in Iowa, helping to rebuild flood damaged homes; in Nebraska, providing flood relief; and in New Jersey, providing Nor’easter storm relief. From Burma, Khin, a farmer, said “Had it not been for you, I would not have been able to grow the rainy season rice because all of my rice seeds were washed away.” With millions of people in need after Cyclone Nargis, One Great Hour of Sharing worked with Church World Service and local partners to provide vital emergency and recovery assistance – when it was needed most.

Sharing because we have felt God’s love aligns our lives with God’s own life and work in our world. By sharing we are renewed and transformed. “Those who abide in love abide in God, and God abides in them.” (1 John 4:16.) Sharing our love for God through One Great Hour of Sharing, we offer ourselves to others as they need us, imitating Christ’s offering of his life for us. In turn, we receive him more deeply into our own hearts, bringing indescribable joy. (Envelopes are available at our church, or send in our donation, marking it OGHS. Thanks!)

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