Saturday, May 28, 2011

Vacation Bible School

What would it have been like to live at the same time as Jesus?
Vacation Bible School 2011
Marketplace 29 A.D.
Sunday, July 31st-Thursday, August 4th
6:00-8:15 P.M.

The Faith Church gymnasium will be transformed into a marketplace from 29 A.D. Witness Jesus and hear his stories “first hand”. Experience the crafts and work with the artisans. Learn the games and family customs. Taste the food. Sing and dance to traditional Jewish songs. Mark your calendars and plan to join in the fun. There are many ways adults and youth can help-before, during and after; for one day or many. Please talk to Holly Robinson or Trudi Woods.

In preparation for some of the projects, we are in need of the following items. We would appreciate your willingness to donate or save them for us. They may be dropped off at either the Faith or Whiting church office, or given to Holly or Trudi.
Fabric scraps of all sizes and colors
Buttons of all sizes and colors
Empty Kleenex boxes-the long, flat boxes, not the cubes
Wire hangers
Brown Paper Bags-if you have packing paper similar in color that would
work also
A larger list of other food and supplies that may be donated will be coming later.

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