Saturday, May 28, 2011

Letter of Thanks

“I’d like to personally thank you and your congregation for your generous gifts to the World Mission Offering and International Ministries in 2010. You have been part of the effort to help people come to Christ, grow in Christ, and change their world through Christ in over 70 countries around the world. Your church’s contribution went to support the efforts of over 1700 short and long term missionaries and partners as they bring the Good News of Jesus Christ while meeting human need through cutting edge ministries in over 70 countries. I am so please that because of your continued contributions through the World Mission Offering and targeted gifts for missionary support we have been able to maintain our missionary team on the field so far. We are also blessed that your support is allowing us to endorse three new missionary families. We are very thankful for the support of Whiting Community Baptist Church. Yours in Christian Mission – Rev. Dr. Reid Trulson, Executive Director, and Rev. Dr. Ray Schooler, Director of Development – Church Relations”. (American Baptist Churches, U.S.A., International Ministries.)

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